About Us

Nawiri is dedicated to making affordable, high-quality food more accessible while helping break the cycle of food waste. We work directly with farmers and makers to rescue organic produce and other grocery items that might otherwise go to waste, then deliver them to your door—all while passing the savings on to you. Every Nawiri package you order benefits farmers, helps prevent food waste, and ultimately helps save our environment.

Our goal and Vision

We are empowering the most important people in our field
- the farmers.

It is widely known in the agriculture industry how farmers are mistreated. We’re changing that with our platform! We’re a providing farmers with a direct B2B and B2C link at no extra charge. Farmers can sell their harvest to businesses & directly to consumers. 

What We Stands For.

Our goal is to make Agriculture a sustainable business in Kenya.

By working directly with the farmers and relevant stakeholders, we strive to provide farmers with a direct path to consumers effectively selling their produce hassle free. Farmers can easily join our platform and get this direct access to our consumer base.

At heart, we’re working towards the SDG Goal of Zero Hunger by making healthy organic foods easily available to all Kenyans. We’re playing our role step by step, no matter how small towards a better more sustainable environment.

We value
food traceability.

Food traceability systems are essential for tracking inventory and identifying issues on our production line. Food traceability systems are tools that help you record, track, and verify a product’s history, and the location it has reached through your supply chain.

Food traceability allows us to monitor our perishable inventory, giving us the tools to keep our business compliant and perform product recalls. This system also easily enables us to find information about the raw materials used in our products (be that for a batch or individual ingredient) and the manufacturing route of our produce.

Embracing technology
to harvest the best produce.

For a long time now, agriculture has been seen as a dirty job and has been left to rural communities, but with the impact of technology in agriculture, that notion is changing. Agriculture is continuously changing through innovation in science and technology. As such, the agriculture industry continues to be called upon to produce more with finite resources. A major way to improve traceability, sustainability, and quality of goods from a farm is through the adoption of technology, including an integrated farm management platform. Farmers can now, with the help of advancements in agriculture, maximise land and water resources while delivering the most nutritious food to the world’s ever-growing population. Also, modern farming technologies have eased the burden of hard labor for many farmers worldwide.

How we fight
food waste.

For many people in the world, food waste has become a habit: buying more food than we need at markets, letting fruits and vegetables spoil at home, or taking larger portions than we can eat.

These habits put extra strain on our natural resources and damage our environment. When we waste food, we waste the labor, effort, investment, and precious resources (like water, seeds, feed, etc.) that go into producing it, not to mention the resources that go into transporting and processing it. In short, wasting food increases greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to climate change.

It’s a big problem. In fact, worldwide, tonnes of edible food is lost or wasted every day. Between harvest and retail alone, around 14 percent of all food produced globally is lost. Huge quantities of food are also wasted in retail or at the consumer level.

Reducing food loss and waste is essential in a world where millions of people go hungry daily. When we reduce waste, we respect that food is not a given for the millions of people who go hungry every day.

Get your groceries in 2hrs!

Get your groceries delivered to your doorstep whether you’re in the office or at home we’ll be there. We pride ourselves in fast and efficient deliveries and we know you do too. You can shop with confidence knowing your orders will be with you in a heartbeat!

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